Friday, January 2, 2009


Last night at around 10:00 pm I took the dogs out the front door to go potty before we locked them in for the night. Both Bunsen and Scooter refused to step foot off of the porch. So I stepped off of the concrete into the dirt to see if I could get the girls to follow me. As soon as I had two feet on the dirt I heard a very distinct "roar." It scared me half to death. I quickly turned around and lunged for the front door. The dogs were very slow to follow, they just stood at the porch looking into the dark night. After what seemed like forever they finally came inside and I shut and locked the door. I thought for sure there was a mountain lion on our front porch. (Well, actually my first thought was a vampire...I am reading Twilight after all.) I quickly woke Scott up just so he could help calm me down. Mountain lions have been known to drag people off into the mountains and eat them. Scott was half asleep and not too worried. I guess he thought I was inside the house when I heard the creature. This morning Scott went out to get the paper and inspected the snow in the front yard for tracks. The tracks seem to look more like a bear. I am relieved because I think bears are little less aggressive than mountain lions and also relieved to know that I wasn't just hearing things.


McEntire Family said...

Yikes - glad you weren't dragged off the porch! Let me know what you think of Twilight!

Natalie said...

I cant believe it was a bear. I didn’t know they lived that close to house's. Thanks for a laugh about it being a vampire and all. I probably would have done the same thing.:) Logan is getting so big. Hope you guys are doing well.